(vt rouse, wake someone up) ur-raisjan, us-wakjan wv I(bring round, bring to one's senses) us-skaujan wv I(vi become awake) ga-waknan wv IVus-skaujan sik wv I(rise, get up) ur-reisan sv Istay awake, keep watch ― wakan, thairh-wakan sv VI
(wake up someone) us-wakjan wv I(wake, raise) ur-raisjan wv I(bring round) us-skaujan wv I(be roused from sleep) ga-waknan wv IV(come to, regain consciousness) us-skaujan sik. (also with passive: "to recover oneself")(to stir up emotion) (anger, provoke) gramjan, in-gramjan wv I(stir up, excite ― e.g. a crowd) us-wagjan wv I(agitate, stir up, disturb) drobjan wv I(move inwardly, stir, arouse passion/emotion) in-wagjan wv Ibe roused to emotion/pity ― in-wagjan sik, in-rauhtjan wv I(be roused to compassion) in-feinan wv IV
(to life) ana-qiujan wv I(wake up someone) us-wakjan wv I(bring round, bring to one's senses) us-skaujan wv I(be roused from sleep) ga-waknan wv IV(to anger, provoke) gramjan, in-gramjan wv I(arouse discord, unsettle, disturb) drobjan wv I(move, stir, arouse feeling) wagjan wv Ibe aroused to pity ― in-wagjan sik, in-rauhtjan wv Ibe aroused to compassion ― in-feinan wv IV
akin to Eng wakeawakeDerivations:wahtwoguard, *wakjanwake up, *waknanbe awake, wokainsvigilCompounds:duwakanwake up, gawaknanbe awake, thairhwakankeep vigil, uswakjanwake up
(lift) hafjan sv VI(lift, take away) us-hafjan sv VI uz-uh-hoh augona ― and he raised his eyes"(raise, rouse, wake) ur-raisjan wv I(rear child/animal) aljan, fodjan wv Ia question/debate was raised concerning purification ― warth bi swiknein sokeins ga-wagida
(aware of, knowing) kunnands(alert) un-skaus(thoughtful, consciencious) anda-thahts(conscious one's morals, consciencious) *mith-wiss, *kuskeis(sober, sensible) in-ahs(rational) *ga-frathjisbecome conscious, come round, wake/sober up ― us-skaujan sik wv Ibecome conscious of, learn ― ga-kunnan wv III(learn, get, bring long) ga-niman sv IVmake aware of, make known ― kannjan, ga-kannjan, kunthjan wv I, ga-sweran wv III, ga-swikunthjan wv I, ga-teihan sv I
(stay behind, be left) af-lifnan wv IV, bi-leiban sv I(carry on being, dwell, abide, continue to be/exist) wisan sv V he stays faithful ― jains triggws wisith(end up staying) ga-wisan sv V he stayed dumb ― gawas dumbscontinue, persist ― thairh-wisan, fram-wairthis wisan sv V(halt, come to standstill, stay standing still/firm, remain in place or condition) ga-standan sv VIto stay awake ― thairh-wakan sv VIstay with ― mith-ga-wisan sv V(stay beside, stick by, be with in support of) mith-wisan sv V + dat(live/dwell) bauan wv III(stay as guest; offer as sacrifice) saljan wv Icome to stay, take lodgings ― us-saljan wv I
v(gaze, gaze around, look attentively) fair-weitjan wv I "at" +du, or + gen up to, as far as ― in + accwatch up to the end of ― fairweitjan in andi + gen(look at, note, take note of) and-saihwan, at-saihwan sv V(direct attention to, observe) mundon wv II(watch, observe) *wardon wv II(stand watch over, guard, observe literally or figuratively) witan wv III + datkeep watch/awake in night ― wakan sv VIwatch out for, be on one's guard against ― at-saihwan sik sv III gen