interrog. hwan?(rel.) than, than-ei, bi-the, bi-theh(while, when) mith-than, mith-than-ei(as, when) swetill when? for how long? ― und hwa?when evening came ― than seithu warthwhen morning came ― at maurgin than waurthananawhen you did [this] for one of the least of my brothers, you did it for me ― thanei tawideduth ainamma thize ministane brothre meinaize, tawideduth miswhen the city wall had been built ― swe gatimrida warth so baurgswaddjusand when he was accused ― jah miththanei wrohiths was
akin to Eng nightnightCompounds:andanahtievening, nahtamatsevening meal
(mid-day meal) *midja-daga-mats sm (i-stem)(feast) dauhts sf, ga-baur sm(evening meal) nahta-mats sm (i-stem)
akin to Eng meat, Nor matfoodDerivations:matjaneatCompounds:gamatjaneat, matibalgsfood-bag, nahtamatsevening meal, undaurnimats
(to) du + dat(along, towards, thoughout) and + acc, (into, towards) in + acc or + dat(against, facing, towards) withra + acc we should be good towards everyone ― waurkjam thiuth withra allansjustify oneself to ― sunjon sik withra + accgo towards, go to meet ― withra-gaggan sv VII ― iddja, gaggansas it got towards evening ― swe seithu warth