Gothic Dictionary

menoths m (dat pl menothum) on the 25th day of the month of Elul ― -e- jah -k- daga *menothis *Alulis
Agustus (Not attested as month, but as name of Roman emperor Augustus from which the month derives. cf. VLat Agustus)
dags sm every day ― dagis hwammeh, dagis hwizuh, dag hwanoh (day by day) daga jah daga 7 times a day / in a day ― sibun sintham ana dag today ― himma daga the next day ― afar-daga by day ― dagis stayed for two days ― salida twans dagans + acc day and night, constantly, all the time ― naht jah daga daily, regular ― sinteins every ten days ― bi taihun dagans to this day ― und hina daga in those days ― in jainaim dagam on the last day of ― in spedistin daga + gen go a day's journey ― qiman dagis wig very early on the day after the sabbath ― filu air this dagis afarsabbate in the days of Herod ― in dagam Herodes four days old ― fidur-dogs eight days old ― ahtau-dogs was finished in 52 days ― ustauhana warth -n- dage jah -b- on the 25th day of the month of Elul ― -e- jah -k- daga *menothis *Alulis (fig. time, moment, right/appointed time) mel sn (fig. the day, particular age/generation) alds sf the present day/age ― so nu alds, so nu hweila sf, thata and-wairtho wn
(Crim mine) akin to Eng moon moon Derivations: menoths month
*Daikaimbair, *Anthar Jiuleis sm (Not attested, but something like this implied by Fruma Jiuleis 'November'; cf. OE Aerra Geola 'December' & Aeftera Geola 'January'. For the different ways of matching native months to the Roman calendar, compare Czech srpen 'August' versus Croat srparj 'July'.)