Gothic Dictionary

maurgins sm (early hours, dawn, pre-dawn) uhtwo wf mid-morning, 9 a.m ― *undaurns sm (i-stem) morning meal, breakfast ― undaurni-mats sm (i-stem)
akin to Du ochtend morning Derivations: uhteigo on time, uhteiga having time, uhtiugs timely Compounds: unuhteigo untimely
interrog. hwan? (rel.) than, than-ei, bi-the, bi-theh (while, when) mith-than, mith-than-ei (as, when) swe till when? for how long? ― und hwa? when evening came ― than seithu warth when morning came ― at maurgin than waurthanana when you did [this] for one of the least of my brothers, you did it for me ― thanei tawideduth ainamma thize ministane brothre meinaize, tawideduth mis when the city wall had been built ― swe gatimrida warth so baurgswaddjus and when he was accused ― jah miththanei wrohiths was
early hours
(of the morning) uhtwo wf
(sunrise, the east, outflow/toilet/sewer) ur-runs sm (i-stem, gen ur-runsis) (dawn) uwhto wf (morning) maurgins sm at sunrise ― at urrinnandin sunnin
hweila sf from the sixth hour ― hweila saihsto till the ninth hour ― und hweila niundon not even so much as a single hour ― ni hweilohun, nih hweilohun early hours ― (of the morning) uhtwo wf
akin to Eng morn, Ger Morgen morning