mans, *liudeis m pl(all people, people in general) ala-mans m pl(a people, nation, tribe) thiuda sf(a people, a nation at arms) *fulk sn(kin) kuni sn, knoths sf (gen knodais)(the peoples, tribes, Gentiles) thiudos sf pl(humanity) mana-seths sf (gen mana-sedais), manniskodus sm
(of people)
hansa sf(of soldiers) *skara sf, *drauhts sf(cord, line, string) *rigilo wf(bond) bandi sf
(people) mans, *liudeis m pl(all people, people in general) ala-mans m pl(a people, nation, tribe) thiuda sf(a people/nation at arms) *fulk sn(kin) kuni sn, knoths sf (gen knodais)(the peoples, tribes, Gentiles) thiudos sf pl(humanity) mana-seths sf (gen mana-sedais), manniskodus sm
(of people: old, grown up) altheis(elderly) fram-aldrs(old and grey) *greiseis(old, senior) sineigshow old ― hwe-lauthsto grow old ― us-althan sv VIIold age ― alduma wm(of things: old, worn out, outdated) fairneisthe Old Testament ― so Fairnjo Triggwatwelve year-old ― twalib-wintrusfor she was twelve years old ― was auk jere twalibeyou're not yet fifty years old ― fimf tiguns jere nauh ni habais
(control/govern [people], make do with, manage ― e.g. money/household) waldan sv VII + dat(supervise, precede) faura-gaggan sv VII (+ dat = manage) ― iddja, gaggans(supervise, be present) faura-standan sv VI(cope) fra-bairan sv IV(thrive) theihan sv I(achieve) *laiston wv II(reach, attain, arrive at) ga-tilon wv II(win fight) ga-jiukan wv III(finish, perform, perfect, lead/drive up/out) us-tiuhan sv II
aljis, antharof other people ― framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)the one...the other ― anthar...anthar, ains...jah ains, antharana...antharan-uh than, suman...suman-uh thansome one...but some other person ― sums...jah sums, sums raihtis...ith sasome...but others ― sumai raihtis...sumai thanin another direction ― aljaththe others ― antharai (pl of anthar)each considering the other as higher ― anthar anthar munands sis auhuman
akin to Eng Dutchpeople, thai thiudo heathens, fauramathleis thiudos caretaker of the landCompounds:GutthiudaGothic people, thiudangardikingdom, thiudanonrule, thiudansking, thiudinassuskingdom, thiudiskoheathen, unthiudanon-people
hwaiwa, conj & adv(before adjs and advs) hwan(with what) hweso how shall I compare the people of this race and what are they like? ― hwe nu galeiko thans mans this kunjis jah hwe sijaina galeikai?how will we know this [to be true]? ― bi-hwe kunnum thata?how great ― hwe-lauths (gen hwe-laudis)how long ― hwan lagg melfor how long ― und hwahow narrow that door [is]! ― hwan aggwu thata daur!how many, however many ― hwaiwa manags, hwan managshow much ― hwan filuhow much more ― hwan how much better ― hwan batizahow much the more ― hwaiwa mais, hwan maisseeing as how... ― thande(rhetorical)considering can it be that Y? ― thande...hwaiwa?how can this be, seeing that I know not [haven't been with] a man? ― hwaiwa sijai thata, thande aban ni kann?how is it possible for/that... ― ibai...? (Introduces this and other rhetorical questions expecting a negative answer)
(more than two people) jus silbona (if refering to male and female)jus silbons fjus silbans m(refering to two people) jut silbona, noun, etc
(more than two people) weis silbona, noun (if refering to male and female)weis silbons fweis silbans m(two people) wit silbona, etc
(humankind, all people) ala-mans m(humanity, humankind) manniskodus sm(humankind, multitude) mana-seths sf (gen mana-sedais)
akin to Ger Leute, Rus ljudipeoplegrowDerivations:laudiform, *lauthsbig, ludjafeaturesCompounds:hwelauthshow large, juggalauthsyoungster, samalauthsof the same size, swalauthsso much
(peculiar) (amazing) silda-leiks(unfamiliar, foreign, of other people) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)(foreign, strange) alja-kuns (i-stem)be at odds with ― (gainsay, withstand) and-standan sv VI(dispute, contradict) and-rinnan sv V, and-sakan sv VI(be reluctant, refuse) un-werjan wv I(be suspicious, reluctant) tuzwerja, wv, 1
noun(crowd, company, band of people) hansa sf(crowd, group, heap) hiuhma wm(group/troop of soldiers) *skara sf, *drauhts sfgroup/troop leader ― *skarja wm
(of people) althiza(of things) *fairniza
(being in, among) in + dat, ana + datamong you ― in izwismany martyrs among the Gothic people ― ana gutthiudai managize martyredisagreement arose among them ― missaqiss warth mith im(coming among, into) in + accfell among thorns ― gadraus in thaurnuns(beyond, behind, over, among) hindar + acc or + dat there's no more than five loaves among us ― nist hindar uns maizo fimf hlaibam(with) mith + dat
noun(of people) hansa sf(of people, things) hiuhma sm
hwaz-uh (hwah, noun, hwoh f), hwarjizuh, ain-hwarjiz-uh(out of two things/people) ain-hwatharuh, hwathar-uhtwo each ― tweihnai two shirts each ― tweihnos paidoseach other ― missoeach considering the other as higher ― anthar anthar munands sis auhuman(every)each good tree ― all bagme godaize
(each person) ain-hwarjiz-uh(all people) alamans madvall (together), the whole of them ― alakjo
(humanity, humankind) manniskodus sm(humankind, all people) ala-mans m(humankind, the human race, multitude) mana-seths sf (gen mana-sedais)
(army) harjis sm(troop, army, band of retainers) *drauhts sf(people, host, nation at arms) fulk sn(legion, regiment) thusundi sf(one entertaining guests) wairdus sm
ga-leikon wv II "to" + dat/+instrso how shall I compare the people of this race and what are they like? ― hwe nu galeiko thans mans this kunjis jah hwe sijaina galeikai?
(of one person) theins(of two people) igqar(of more than two people) izwar
nounrathjo wfmen numbering about 5000 ― wairos rathjon swaswe fimf thusundjosa great number of people ― manageins filu wf gen sglook out for number one, look out for oneself, act selfishly ― sein ain sokjan wv I
(do, make) taujan, ga-taujan, ga-lagjan, waurkjan, ga-waurkjan wv I ― waurhta, waurhts(mould) deigan sv I(build) ga-timrjan wv I(forge, effect, work, produce) ga-smithon wv II(make free, sad, etc) briggan (+ double acc) the truth will make you free ― so sunja frijans izwis briggith(create, form, shape) skapjan, ga-skapjan sv VI(compel) baidjan, ga-baidjan, nauthjan, ana-nauthjan wv Ito make the people sit ― waurkjan thans mans ana-kumbjanto make him a king ― taujan ina du thiudanamake do with, cope on, manage on/with, manage/rule ― waldan sv VII + datmake known ― kannjan, ga-kannjan, kunthjan wv I, ga-sweran wv III, ga-swikunthjan wv I, ga-teihan sv Imake off with ― bi-niman sv IVmake merry ― bi-wisan sv Vmake one's peace with ― ga-sibjon wv II + datmake void ― blauthjan wv I
managshow many, however many ― hwaiwa manags, hwan managsas many as ― swa manags swe, swa filu + gen swemany people, a crowd, the many/masses, the multitude ― managei wf, filusna sfvery many people ― manageins filu wf gen sg
airtha sf, fairhwus sm, midjun-gards sm (i-stem)(mankind, humanity, all the people in the world) mana-seths sf (gen mana-sedais), manniskodus sm, ala-mans m pl
ga-bairan sv IV(imitate, liken to, compare with) ga-leikon wv II + dat/instrumental so how shall I compare the people of this race and what are they like? ― hwe nu galeiko thans mans this kunjis jah hwe sijaina galeikai?
(strange, foreign, unfamiliar, of other people) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)
(separated) af-satiths(alien, foreign, of other people) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)
(family) kuni sn(lineage) fadreins, knoths sf (gen knodais)(nation, tribe, people, ethnicity) thiuda sf(tribe, race) *slahta sf
guta wm, *guto wf(the Goths, Gothic people/nation) gut-thiuda sf
(reproach) idweit snto take away the slur I have among people ― afniman idweit mein in mannam
(state) reiki sn(people) thiuda sf
(show oneself to, appear before/to ― naturally or supernaturally) at-augjan sik wv I (+ dat)(appear as a vision to) in siunai wairthan sv III + datthere appeared to him then the angel of the Lord ― warth than imma in siunai aggilus fraujinsthere appeared to them Isiah with Moses ― ataugiths warth im Helias mith Mose(suddlenly appear)and suddenly there appeared with the angel... ― jah anaks warth mith thamma aggilau...(seem) thugkjan wv I ― thuhta, thuhts(appear to be)I see people, who look like walking trees ― gasaihwa mans thatei swe bagmans gasaihwa gaggands(arise) ur-reisan sv I no prophet will appear from Galilee ― praupfetus us Galeilaia ni urreisith(form vi as image) ga-fri-sahtnan wv IV
(foreign, strange, unnatural to one) alja-kuns (i-stem)(foreign, of other people) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)
harjis sm(band of troops) drauhts sf, hansa sf(host, people, nation at arms) fulk sn
(strange to one, foreign, alien) alja-kuns (i-stem)(foreign, strange, alien, of other people) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)
(unlike) *anthar-leiks(different, unorthodox) *alja-leiks(various) missa-leiks(foreign, strange) alja-kuns (i-stem)(foreign, alien, other people's) framatheisin a different direction ― aljath
adj(strange, marvelous) silda-leiks(foreign, alien) alja-kuns (i-stem)(foreign, unfamiliar, of other people) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)
(dissimliar) *anthar-leiks(different, unorthodox) *alja-leiks(various) missa-leiks(foreign, strange) alja-kuns (i-stem)(foreign, unfamiliar, other people's) framatheisin a different direction ― aljath
*walhs, *wala-(from abroad, of a different nationality, strange, unnatural to one) alja-kuns (i-stem)(alien, of other people) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)
(see, look at, observe, regard) saihwan sv IIIlook [straight] at ― (e.g. a person) in-saihwan du sv III + datseeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said ― gasaihwandei Paitru warmjandan sik, insaihwandei du imma qathlook at, look around at ― bi-saihwan sv Vsee through, look into [mirror] ― thairh-saihwan, sv vlook up, see for the first time, notice, look round at, see after being blind ― us-saihwan sv Vlook up/upwards ― iup in-saihwan sv Vhe looked up, raised his eyes ― ushof augonalook forward to, await ― beidan sv I + gen, us-beidan sv I (acc, or: ana + dat)look for, seek, try ― sokjan wv Ilook/gaze around ― wlaiton wv II(look at attentively, gaze, stare) fair-weitjan wv I "at" du, or gen till, as far as ― watch up to the end of ― fairweitjan in andi + genlook! lo! ― sai!look here/there ― sai her/jainar(look into, investigate) (seek, question, investigate, try) sokjan wv Ilook it up and see that a prophet won't come from Galilee ― ussokei jah saihw thatei praufetus us Galeilaia ni urreisith(ask, ask about, test/examine) fragan sv VI(seem) thugkjan wv I ― thuhta, thuhtsI see people, who look like walking trees ― gasaihwa mans thatei swe bagmans gasaihwa gaggandswatch, keep a look out over, guard, observe ― witan, *at-witan wv III + datlook out for, be on one's guard against ― at-saihwan sv III + gen or at-saihwan faura + datlook after, take care of, manage ― ga-karon wv II + dat? + acc?
(place) staths sm (i-stem, gen stadis)(area) gawi sn(people) gaujans wm pl
(struggle, make effort) us-daudjan wv I(strive after, work to achieve) bi-arbaidjan wv I(persevere) us-aiwjan wv I(try, seek) sokjan wv I(reach out, strive) sik uf-thanjan wv I(fight, struggle) weihan sv I(fight) haifstjan wv I(dispute with people) and-sakan sv VI(dispute, compete) and-rinnan sv III
(weird, marvelous) silda-leiks it isn't so strange, it's hardly surprising ― nist silda-leik(foreign, alien) alja-kuns (i-stem)(foreign, unfamiliar, of other people) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)
in a different direction ― aljath(dissimilar) *anthar-leiks(different, unorthodox) *alja-leiks(various) missa-leiks(foreign, strange) alja-kuns (i-stem)(foreign, unfamiliar, other people's) framaths (i-stem, gen framathis)
I ask/pray you ― bidja thuk... (Polite requests often use subj rather than imperative)if you will ― jabai wileis (When talking to one person)jabai wileits (two people)jabai wileith (more than two)
v(strive, make effort) us-daudjan wv I(struggle to achieve) bi-arbaidjan wv Ito struggle/suffer/endure together ― mith-arbaidjan wv Istruggle to the finish, persevere ― us-aiwjan wv I(reach out, strive) uf-thanjan sik wv Istruggle through ― thairh-arbaidjan wv I(fight) weihan sv I, haifstjan wv I(dispute with people) and-sakan sv VI(dispute, compete) and-rinnan sv III
filusna sf, hansa sf, hiuhma wm, iumjo, managei wf(multitude, mankind, humanity) mana-seths sf (gen mana-sedais)(assembled community) ga-mainths sfa great multitude of people ― manageins filu wf gen sg
mith + datin the presence of ― at + datthat with me you have someone who says yes or no without meaning it ― ei sijai at mis thata ja ja jah thata ne necome with ― mith-qiman sv IV + dateat with ― mith-matjan wv I + datcrucify with ― mith-us-hramjan wv I + dat(instrumental 'with' often simply dative)they hit him with their palms ― lofam slohun inathey struck his head with a reed ― slohun is haubith rausaJesus cried out with a loud voice ― wopida Iesus stibnai mikilaithey were seized with a great fear ― agisa mikilamma dis-habaida wesunI serve the law of God with my mind ― skalkino gahugdai witoda gudis(but note special instrumental interrogative)what shall with clothe ouselves with, what shall we wear ― hwe wasjaimawith what shall I compare the people of this race and what are they like? ― hwe nu galeiko thans mans this kunjis jah hwe sijaina galeikai?
(large, great) mikilsgreat things, greatness ― mikilei sf(extreme) abrs(powerful, able, possible) mahteigs(great) *airmans(powerful, important) reikeisgreat/chief men ― thai frumistans wm adj plthe great/mighty one ― sa mahteiga(great number) manags(great-seeming, supposedly great) mikil-thuhtsbecome great/enlarged ― mikilnan wv IVmake great ― mikiljan wv Ias great as ― swa-lauths (gen swa-laudis)how great ― hwe-lauths (gen hwe-laudis)as great a number as ― swa manags sweas great an amount as ― swa filu swethe greater part, the majority ― thos managistons wf pl, thai managistans wm pl (masculine also used as a default for mixed group) "of" + genvery many people ― manageins filu wf gen sggreatly, a great deal ― ufarassau
filu, abraba, mikilabavery much, greatly ― ufarassau(very, totally) ala-very big ― mikils abrabavery much ― filu, abraba(even)the...even, the very... ― silba...(well) waila I am very pleased with it/him ― in thamma waila ga-leikaidavery pleasing, quite acceptable ― waila anda-nemsvery many people ― manageins filu wf gen sg
blandan sv VII (including mix with people)
fraiw sn (collective sg) sow seed ― fraiwa saian (= dat, cf. ON)(figurative) *seths sf (gen sedais) in compound mana-seths 'mankind, people'
(Gutans, Gutos) : GothCompounds:GutthiudaGothic people
(lit. 'the peoples') thiudos sf plafter the manner of the Gentiles ― thiudisko