Gothic Dictionary

rodjan wv I to ― du + dat with ― mith + dat about ― bi + acc speak/gossip about ― bi-rodjan bi wv I + acc (in public) mathljan wv I (bring out, speak) us-bairan sv IV speak a language ― razdai rodjan wv I speak/act as if mad ― dwalmon wv II babble, speak too much ― filu-waurdjan wv I speak foolishly ― *dwala-waurdjan wv I speak empty nonsense ― *lausa-waurdjan wv I
adv waila speak well of ― waila qithan sv V + dat act well towards ― waila taujan wv I + dat be well off ― ufarassu haban wv III, in ufarassau wisan, irreg you know very well ― glaggwo wituth (rightly, with justification) to be well able to say ― waila qithan thatei (adj, healthy) hails, ga-hails (simple, innocent, sound) ain-falths make well, heal ― hailjan, ga-hailjan wv I, lekinon wv II of ― + gen (save, heal) ga-nasjan wv I get well ― ga-nisan sv V, ga-hailnan wv IV, waila wairthith (impersonal + dat) they will get well ― waila wairthith im (interjection: fine! alright then!) waila! (then, well then in that case) thau, thauh but if so ― well in that case... ― aiththau waila thau... (so, therefore) nu, nu-nu, than (these 2nd position in clause) (well then, so then, so therefore) Than-nu, Than-nu nu, Than-nu than, Nu-nu nu, Swa-ei nu (1st position) (introducing a reason: for, because, "well, you see") auk, raihtis, allis (these 2nd position) (new topic, introducing a new topic or a piece of parenthetical information) [well] now... ― -uh than, -uth-than (attached after first word of clause) (introducing questions) an, an nuh so...? ― an nuh...? well who is he? ― an hwas ist? well what...[then]? ― an hwa...?, hwa auk...?, hwa nuh...?
(unable to speak, speechless) dumbs (unspeaking) un-rodjands (deaf and dumb, bland and without taste) bauths (gen baudis) (stupid) dwals, un-wits to become dumb/speechless ― af-dumbnan, af-dobnan wv IV, slawan, ga-slawan, ana-slawan, thahan, ga-thahan, ana-silan wv III
adj (unable to speak, speechless) dumbs (unspeaking) un-rodjands (deaf and dumb, bland and without taste) bauths (gen baudis) to become mute ― af-dumbnan, af-dobnan wv IV, slawan, ga-slawan, ana-slawan, thahan, ga-thahan, ana-silan wv III
(rave, act/speak as if mad) dwalmon wv II (talk too much) filu-waurdjan wv I
akin to Eng read, Ger raten advise, consider Derivations: razda speak, *redaba bravely, *reds brave, *rodeins speech, rodjan speak Compounds: birodeins speech, birodjan express unwillingly, fauragaredan decide before, garedaba bravely, garedan strive, undredan, unredan care for, unrodjands dumb, urredan determine
(act/speak as if mad) dwalmon wv II
(take, get, receive) niman sv IV take a chance/opportunity ― lew niman (take, keep) ga-haban wv III (receive) and-niman, fra-niman sv IV (away) af-niman, bi-niman, us-niman sv IV (down) at-hafjan sv VI (out/down/away) us-niman sv IV (aside) af-tiuhan sv II (take aside/along, get/receive, learn) ga-niman sv IV (out, also: speak) us-bairan, sv, IV (hold of) ana-haban wv III to be taken with fever ― brinnon ana-habaida wisan, irreg (take to, bring) at-bairan sv IV, at-tiuhan sv II (catch, seize, take prisoner) fahan, ga-fahan sv VII, greipan, fair-greipan, und-greipan sv I (catch with net, trap, catch out) ga-niutan sv II (capture, imprison) fra-hinthan, us-hinthan sv III (draw, lead, bring, take) ga-tiuhan sv II (take possession of, possess, have) ga-haban wv III take heed ― at-saihwan sv V take care of, manage ― ga-karon wv II (acc?, dat?) (by force) wilwan, fra-wilwan sv III take off, undress oneself, divest oneself of ― and-wasjan sik wv I + dat, and-hamon sik wv II + dat, af-hamon wv II + dat, af-slaupjan wv I + acc, af-lagjan wv I + acc take in one's arms, lift, hold ― (e.g. a child) ana armins niman/and-niman sv IV + acc
razda sf speak a language ― razdai rodjan wv I
akin to Eng meet gathering place, market Derivations: mathleins speech, mathljan speak, *motan be able, *motjan meet Compounds: fauramathleis speaker, fauramathli office, gamotan be able, gamotjan meet, withragamotjan meet
ubilaba treat badly ― aiwiskon, ga-aiwiskon wv II speak badly of ― ubil-waurdjan wv I go badly, go awry ― fra-rinnan sv III
treat unpleasantly ― aiwiskon, ga-aiwiskon wv II speak unpleasantly to, revile, insult ― lauan sv VII ga-naitjan wv I
tuggo wn (language, dialect) razda speak a tongue/language ― razdai rodjan wv I
woths (gen wodis) act/speak as if mad ― dwalmon wv II
(a viewpoint, propound) in-sakan, us-sakan sv VI (support) *stutjan wv I (support, accomplish) *frumjan wv I promote dissent, agitate, stir up ― drobjan wv I promote in public, speak out, spread word ― merjan, us-merjan wv I promote the gospel, spread the Christian message ― waila-merjan, aiwaggeljan wv I
v (talk a lot) filu-waurdjan wv I (act/speak as if mad) dwalmon wv II
(censure) ana-qithan sv V (accuse) wrohjan, fra-wrohjan wv I, and-beitan sv I + acc, fairinon wv II (threaten, accuse, rebuke) hwotjan wv I (curse, condemn) af-domjan wv I (disown) af-aikan sv VII + acc (reject) af-qithan sv V + dat (speak ill of) ubil-waurdjan wv I (betray) lewjan, fra-lewjan, ga-lewjan wv I
bairan sv IV, dragan sv VI (transport) farjan, raidjan wv I (lift) hafjan sv VI, uf-haban wv III carry through ― lit. thairh-bairan sv IV carry off ― fra-wilwan sv III carry/bring out, speak ― us-bairan sv IV carry to, bring ― at-bairan sv IV
(offspring) bairan, ga-bairan sv IV (an effect, cause) gansjan, waurkjan wv I ― waurhta, waurhts (leaves, twigs, fruit) keinan sv I ― keinoda, kijans (forge, produce metalwork) ga-smithon wv II (accomplish, perfect) us-tiuhan sv II (bring/take out, speak) us-bairan sv IV
un-qeths (i-stem, gen un-qethis)
(mute) dumbs (unspeaking) un-rodjands (deaf and dumb, bland and without taste) bauths (gen baudis) to become silent ― af-dumbnan, af-dobnan wv IV, slawan, ga-slawan, ana-slawan, thahan, ga-thahan, ana-silan wv III
vi (end, finish with doing something) andjan, ga-andjan wv I when he had finished speaking ― betheh than gaandida rodjands (cease, pause, halt) hweilan, ga-hweilan wv I (stop, end, cease) sweiban sv I to be accomplished/completed, come to pass ― us-fullnan wv IV when the days of his service were completed ― bithe unfullnodedun dagos andbahteis is vt (complete) (finish task, perform, perfect, lead/drive up/out) us-tiuhan sv II + acc (fulfil, complete) us-fulljan wv I + gen (finish, perfect) us-waurkjan wv I ― us-waurhta, us-waurhts (use up) fra-qiman sv IV + dat, fra-wisan sv V + dat when he'd used it all up ― bithe frawas allamma
(harshly, severely) hwassaba strictly speaking, namely, actually, as a matter of fact, indeed ― raihtis
(receive, accept) and-niman sv IV accept apology/excuse for refusing invitation ― ainana faur-qithanana haban please accept my apologies for declining ― (male speaker) habai mik faur-qithanana, (female speaker) habai mik faur-qithana
(like) swe ― swa...swe white as snow ― hweits swe snaiws he became as one dead ― warth swe dauths as I said before ― swe ju fauraqath in the same way as ― sama-leiko swe as though sitting down to a great meal ― swe at mikilamma nahtamata anakumbjandans such as ― swa-leiks swe as much ― swa filu + gen as much as ― swa filu swe as many as ― swa managai swe as great ― swa-lauths (gen swa-laudis) as long as ― swa-lauth melis swe as soon as ― bi-the, suns-ei just as, in exactly the same was as ― swa-swe just too ― swa-swe...swah, swa-swe...swa jah as for, as to, regarding ― bi + dat (for, because) auk (Usually placed after first word of sentence) (since, given that) thande as/while he was speaking... ― nauhthan imma rodjandin... (when) swe as it grew late ― swe seithu warth (used as, for) as/for manure ― du maihstau as an example ― du fri-sahtai (being, to be, acting as: noun in apposition) to give his life as a ransom for many ― giban saiwala seina faur managans lun
akin to Eng spell tale Derivations: spilla informer, spillon tell Compounds: gaspillon announce, thiuthspillon announce good news, unusspilloths unspeakable, usspillon relate, wailaspillon preach
v (forgive) af-letan sv VII + dat of person forgiven + acc of misdeeds (grant, forgive) fra-giban sv V + dat excuse me for this damage/harm ― fra-gibith mis thata skathis excuse oneself, politely decline ― faur-qithan sv V + dat, haban ainana faur-qithanana please excuse me ― (male speaker) habai mik faur-qithanana, (female speaker) "please excuse me" habai mik faur-qithana
akei (after negative clauses) ak (however) ath-than (but, and, if) ith indeed...but ― allis...ith/aththan on the one hand...but on the other ― raihtis...ith/ath-than (but for, except) alja some/many...but others ― sumai(h)/managai...sumaih the one...but the other ― anthar...antharuh-than but/and he said (with change of speaker in reported dialogue) ― ith is qath, (more emphatic?) ith is qathuh
(emphatic) (and, also, even) jah to lead astray even the elect ― du afairzjan...jah thans gawalidans however not only this [this is not all], but even/also ― ath-than ni that-ain ak jah... (actually, indeed, in fact, on the one hand) raihtis of the destruction of death, even ― gatairandins raihtis dauthu they questioned whether he even/actually was a Pharisee ― sokun thatei sa raihtis Fareisaius was the saviour even, the saviour himself ― silba nasjands ...and...and...and even/also ― ...jah...jah...nauhuth-than... even if ― jabai even though ― thauh-jabai and even though X...yet Y ― jah thauh-jabai X...akei Y even if ― thauh... -ba (enclitic) even if/though he dies he will live ― thauh ga-ba-dauthnith libaid even more, all the more ― filaus mais even more than that ― jah ufar thata even without ― jah inu not even ― ni...nih they couldn't even eat bread ― ni mahtedun nih hlaif matjan even those who are circumcised do not keep the law ― nih than swethauh thai ize bimaitanai sind witoth fastand even/just too ― swa-swe...swah, swa-swe...swa jah (at all) allis (yet, still) nauh even as he spoke, while he was [still] speaking... ― nauhthan imma rodjandin... even then ― nauh mith-than even then many of the authorities believed in him ― than-uh than swe-thauh jah us thaim reikam nanagai ga-laubidedun du imma and...and...and even/also ― jah...jah...nauhuth-than
akin to Eng beqeath say Derivations: qainon whine, *qeths can be said, *qiss speech Compounds: afqithan abdicate, anaqiss slander, anaqithan slander, andqithan say goodbye, fauraqithan forecast, faurqithan reject, fraqithan curse, gaqiss agreement, gaqithan discuss, missaqiss dispute, samaqiss agreement, thiuthiqiss blessing, unqeths unspeakable, usqiss incrimination, usqithan announce, wailaqiss blessing
(conj whilst) mith-than-ei, bi-the, und thata hweilos thei, swa-lauth melis swe (while, till) und that-ei (when, then, while) than (noun hour, a while, a short time) hweila sf I hope to stay with you for a while ― wenja mik hwo hweilo saljan at izwis (a while, a short period of time) *stunda sf for a while ― du hweilai for a long while ― laggai hweilai, mela lagga after a little while ― afar leitil as/while he was speaking... ― nauhthan imma rodjandin.