rodjan wv I to ― du + datwith ― mith + databout ― bi + accspeak/gossip about ― bi-rodjan bi wv I + acc(in public) mathljan wv I(bring out, speak) us-bairan sv IVspeak a language ― razdai rodjan wv Ispeak/act as if mad ― dwalmon wv IIbabble, speak too much ― filu-waurdjan wv Ispeak foolishly ― *dwala-waurdjan wv Ispeak empty nonsense ― *lausa-waurdjan wv I
advwailaspeak well of ― waila qithan sv V + datact well towards ― waila taujan wv I + datbe well off ― ufarassu haban wv III, in ufarassau wisan, irregyou know very well ― glaggwo wituth(rightly, with justification)to be well able to say ― waila qithan thatei(adj, healthy) hails, ga-hails(simple, innocent, sound) ain-falthsmake well, heal ― hailjan, ga-hailjan wv I, lekinon wv II of ― + gen(save, heal) ga-nasjan wv Iget well ― ga-nisan sv V, ga-hailnan wv IV, waila wairthith (impersonal + dat) they will get well ― waila wairthith im(interjection: fine! alright then!) waila!(then, well then in that case) thau, thauhbut if so ― well in that case... ― aiththau waila thau...(so, therefore) nu, nu-nu, than (these 2nd position in clause)(well then, so then, so therefore) Than-nu, Than-nu nu, Than-nu than, Nu-nu nu, Swa-ei nu (1st position)(introducing a reason: for, because, "well, you see") auk, raihtis, allis (these 2nd position)(new topic, introducing a new topic or a piece of parenthetical information)[well] now... ― -uh than, -uth-than (attached after first word of clause)(introducing questions) an, an nuhso...? ― an nuh...?well who is he? ― an hwas ist?well what...[then]? ― an hwa...?, hwa auk...?, hwa nuh...?
(unable to speak, speechless) dumbs(unspeaking) un-rodjands(deaf and dumb, bland and without taste) bauths (gen baudis)(stupid) dwals, un-witsto become dumb/speechless ― af-dumbnan, af-dobnan wv IV, slawan, ga-slawan, ana-slawan, thahan, ga-thahan, ana-silan wv III
adj(unable to speak, speechless) dumbs(unspeaking) un-rodjands(deaf and dumb, bland and without taste) bauths (gen baudis)to become mute ― af-dumbnan, af-dobnan wv IV, slawan, ga-slawan, ana-slawan, thahan, ga-thahan, ana-silan wv III
(rave, act/speak as if mad) dwalmon wv II(talk too much) filu-waurdjan wv I
akin to Eng read, Ger ratenadvise, considerDerivations:razdaspeak, *redababravely, *redsbrave, *rodeinsspeech, rodjanspeakCompounds:birodeinsspeech, birodjanexpress unwillingly, fauragaredandecide before, garedababravely, garedanstrive, undredan, unredancare for, unrodjandsdumb, urredandetermine
(act/speak as if mad) dwalmon wv II
(take, get, receive) niman sv IV take a chance/opportunity ― lew niman(take, keep) ga-haban wv III(receive) and-niman, fra-niman sv IV(away) af-niman, bi-niman, us-niman sv IV(down) at-hafjan sv VI(out/down/away) us-niman sv IV(aside) af-tiuhan sv II(take aside/along, get/receive, learn) ga-niman sv IV(out, also: speak) us-bairan, sv, IV(hold of) ana-haban wv III to be taken with fever ― brinnon ana-habaida wisan, irreg(take to, bring) at-bairan sv IV, at-tiuhan sv II(catch, seize, take prisoner) fahan, ga-fahan sv VII, greipan, fair-greipan, und-greipan sv I(catch with net, trap, catch out) ga-niutan sv II(capture, imprison) fra-hinthan, us-hinthan sv III(draw, lead, bring, take) ga-tiuhan sv II(take possession of, possess, have) ga-haban wv IIItake heed ― at-saihwan sv Vtake care of, manage ― ga-karon wv II (acc?, dat?)(by force) wilwan, fra-wilwan sv IIItake off, undress oneself, divest oneself of ― and-wasjan sik wv I + dat, and-hamon sik wv II + dat, af-hamon wv II + dat, af-slaupjan wv I + acc, af-lagjan wv I + acctake in one's arms, lift, hold ― (e.g. a child) ana armins niman/and-niman sv IV + acc
razda sfspeak a language ― razdai rodjan wv I
akin to Eng meetgathering place, marketDerivations:mathleinsspeech, mathljanspeak, *motanbe able, *motjanmeetCompounds:fauramathleisspeaker, fauramathlioffice, gamotanbe able, gamotjanmeet, withragamotjanmeet
ubilabatreat badly ― aiwiskon, ga-aiwiskon wv IIspeak badly of ― ubil-waurdjan wv Igo badly, go awry ― fra-rinnan sv III
treat unpleasantly ― aiwiskon, ga-aiwiskon wv IIspeak unpleasantly to, revile, insult ― lauan sv VII ga-naitjan wv I
tuggo wn(language, dialect) razdaspeak a tongue/language ― razdai rodjan wv I
woths (gen wodis)act/speak as if mad ― dwalmon wv II
(a viewpoint, propound) in-sakan, us-sakan sv VI(support) *stutjan wv I(support, accomplish) *frumjan wv Ipromote dissent, agitate, stir up ― drobjan wv Ipromote in public, speak out, spread word ― merjan, us-merjan wv Ipromote the gospel, spread the Christian message ― waila-merjan, aiwaggeljan wv I
v(talk a lot) filu-waurdjan wv I(act/speak as if mad) dwalmon wv II
(censure) ana-qithan sv V(accuse) wrohjan, fra-wrohjan wv I, and-beitan sv I + acc, fairinon wv II(threaten, accuse, rebuke) hwotjan wv I(curse, condemn) af-domjan wv I(disown) af-aikan sv VII + acc(reject) af-qithan sv V + dat(speak ill of) ubil-waurdjan wv I(betray) lewjan, fra-lewjan, ga-lewjan wv I
bairan sv IV, dragan sv VI(transport) farjan, raidjan wv I(lift) hafjan sv VI, uf-haban wv IIIcarry through ― lit. thairh-bairan sv IVcarry off ― fra-wilwan sv IIIcarry/bring out, speak ― us-bairan sv IVcarry to, bring ― at-bairan sv IV
(offspring) bairan, ga-bairan sv IV(an effect, cause) gansjan, waurkjan wv I ― waurhta, waurhts(leaves, twigs, fruit) keinan sv I ― keinoda, kijans(forge, produce metalwork) ga-smithon wv II(accomplish, perfect) us-tiuhan sv II(bring/take out, speak) us-bairan sv IV
un-qeths (i-stem, gen un-qethis)
(mute) dumbs(unspeaking) un-rodjands(deaf and dumb, bland and without taste) bauths (gen baudis)to become silent ― af-dumbnan, af-dobnan wv IV, slawan, ga-slawan, ana-slawan, thahan, ga-thahan, ana-silan wv III
vi(end, finish with doing something) andjan, ga-andjan wv Iwhen he had finished speaking ― betheh than gaandida rodjands(cease, pause, halt) hweilan, ga-hweilan wv I(stop, end, cease) sweiban sv Ito be accomplished/completed, come to pass ― us-fullnan wv IV when the days of his service were completed ― bithe unfullnodedun dagos andbahteis isvt(complete) (finish task, perform, perfect, lead/drive up/out) us-tiuhan sv II + acc(fulfil, complete) us-fulljan wv I + gen(finish, perfect) us-waurkjan wv I ― us-waurhta, us-waurhts(use up) fra-qiman sv IV + dat, fra-wisan sv V + dat when he'd used it all up ― bithe frawas allamma
(harshly, severely) hwassabastrictly speaking, namely, actually, as a matter of fact, indeed ― raihtis
(receive, accept) and-niman sv IVaccept apology/excuse for refusing invitation ― ainana faur-qithanana haban please accept my apologies for declining ― (male speaker) habai mik faur-qithanana, (female speaker) habai mik faur-qithana
(like) ― swa...swewhite as snow ― hweits swe snaiwshe became as one dead ― warth swe dauthsas I said before ― swe ju fauraqathin the same way as ― sama-leiko sweas though sitting down to a great meal ― swe at mikilamma nahtamata anakumbjandanssuch as ― swa-leiks sweas much ― swa filu + genas much as ― swa filu sweas many as ― swa managai sweas great ― swa-lauths (gen swa-laudis)as long as ― swa-lauth melis sweas soon as ― bi-the, suns-eijust as, in exactly the same was as ― swa-swejust too ― swa-swe...swah, swa-swe...swa jahas for, as to, regarding ― bi + dat(for, because) auk (Usually placed after first word of sentence)(since, given that) thandeas/while he was speaking... ― nauhthan imma rodjandin...(when) sweas it grew late ― swe seithu warth(used as, for)as/for manure ― du maihstauas an example ― du fri-sahtai(being, to be, acting as: noun in apposition)to give his life as a ransom for many ― giban saiwala seina faur managans lun
akin to Eng spelltaleDerivations:spillainformer, spillontellCompounds:gaspillonannounce, thiuthspillonannounce good news, unusspillothsunspeakable, usspillonrelate, wailaspillonpreach
v(forgive) af-letan sv VII + dat of person forgiven + acc of misdeeds(grant, forgive) fra-giban sv V + dat excuse me for this damage/harm ― fra-gibith mis thata skathisexcuse oneself, politely decline ― faur-qithan sv V + dat, haban ainana faur-qithanana please excuse me ― (male speaker) habai mik faur-qithanana, (female speaker) "please excuse me" habai mik faur-qithana
akei(after negative clauses) ak(however) ath-than(but, and, if) ithindeed...but ― allis...ith/aththanon the one hand...but on the other ― raihtis...ith/ath-than(but for, except) aljasome/many...but others ― sumai(h)/managai...sumaihthe one...but the other ― anthar...antharuh-thanbut/and he said (with change of speaker in reported dialogue) ― ith is qath, (more emphatic?) ith is qathuh
(emphatic) (and, also, even) jah to lead astray even the elect ― du afairzjan...jah thans gawalidanshowever not only this [this is not all], but even/also ― ath-than ni that-ain ak jah...(actually, indeed, in fact, on the one hand) raihtis of the destruction of death, even ― gatairandins raihtis dauthuthey questioned whether he even/actually was a Pharisee ― sokun thatei sa raihtis Fareisaius wasthe saviour even, the saviour himself ― silba nasjands...and...and...and even/also ― ...jah...jah...nauhuth-than...even if ― jabaieven though ― thauh-jabaiand even though X...yet Y ― jah thauh-jabai X...akei Yeven if ― thauh... -ba (enclitic) even if/though he dies he will live ― thauh ga-ba-dauthnith libaideven more, all the more ― filaus maiseven more than that ― jah ufar thataeven without ― jah inunot even ― ni...nih they couldn't even eat bread ― ni mahtedun nih hlaif matjaneven those who are circumcised do not keep the law ― nih than swethauh thai ize bimaitanai sind witoth fastandeven/just too ― swa-swe...swah, swa-swe...swa jah(at all) allis(yet, still) nauheven as he spoke, while he was [still] speaking... ― nauhthan imma rodjandin...even then ― nauh mith-thaneven then many of the authorities believed in him ― than-uh than swe-thauh jah us thaim reikam nanagai ga-laubidedun du immaand...and...and even/also ― jah...jah...nauhuth-than
akin to Eng beqeathsayDerivations:qainonwhine, *qethscan be said, *qissspeechCompounds:afqithanabdicate, anaqissslander, anaqithanslander, andqithansay goodbye, fauraqithanforecast, faurqithanreject, fraqithancurse, gaqissagreement, gaqithandiscuss, missaqissdispute, samaqissagreement, thiuthiqissblessing, unqethsunspeakable, usqissincrimination, usqithanannounce, wailaqissblessing
(conj whilst) mith-than-ei, bi-the, und thata hweilos thei, swa-lauth melis swe(while, till) und that-ei(when, then, while) than(noun hour, a while, a short time) hweila sfI hope to stay with you for a while ― wenja mik hwo hweilo saljan at izwis(a while, a short period of time) *stunda sffor a while ― du hweilaifor a long while ― laggai hweilai, mela laggaafter a little while ― afar leitilas/while he was speaking... ― nauhthan imma rodjandin.