Gothic Dictionary

waurd sn (religious teaching) hauseins, laiseins sf words, phrase, sentence, something said ― waurd sn (used in sg) quote, expression, spoken passage in book/scripture ― thata qithano wn words said in public ― mathleins sf, mathlei wf empty words ― lausa waurda sn pl, lausa-waurdei wf
akin to Eng word word Derivations: waurdahs verbally, *waurdei talk Compounds: andawaurdi answer, andwaurdjan answer, aglaitiwaurdei awkward speech, dwalawaurdei stupid talk, filuwaurdei much talk, filuwaurdjan talk too much, gabaurthiwaurd birth register, gawaurdi speech, lausawaurdi idle talk, lausawaurds idly talking, liugnawaurds liar, ubilwaurdjan despise, ubilwaurds calumniator, waurdajiuka dispute
-u- (The particle -u- indicates a question; attached to first word in phrase, especially a verb is it permitted? ― skuldu ist? If the verb has a prefix, the -u- comes right after the prefix: "do the two of you believe?" ga-u-laubjats?) (Other question particle, used at start of phrase) an, an-uh (note: These particles not required if other more specific ones are used, thus) why trouble the teacher any longer? ― hwa thanamais draibeis thana laisari? surely one can't go back in the womb? ― ibai mag in wamba aftra galeithan?
(spread word) us-merjan wv I be published, spread, made known ― us-mernan wv IV
ASKING QUESTIONS: -u-...? (The particle -u- indicates a question, in direct or indirect speech attached to first word in phrase, especially a verb is it permitted? ― skuldu ist? If the verb has a prefix, the -u- comes right after the prefix: "do the two of you believe?" ga-u-laubjats?; "him or his parents?" sa-u thau fadrein is?) (Another question particle, used at start of phrase) so...?, then...? ― an, an-uh what then ― an hwa...? (note: These particles not required in the main clause if other more specific ones are used, thus) why are you so afraid? ― duhwe faurhtai sijuth swa? (rhetorical) surely one can't go back in the womb? ― ibai mag in wamba aftra galeithan? for would he not seem then... ― nei auk thuhtedi thau... Am I a Jew? ― waitei ik iudaius im? (Said by Pilot)
unte, du thamma ei, duthe ei, in thiz-ei (for, as, since, you see) auk, allis, raihtis (These are typically placed after the first word of the sentence, with 'auk' taking precidence over the others if they are used with other meanings) (seeing as, since, given that) thande because of ― in gen because of that/this/which ― in this, duthe, duth-the not because... ― ana thammei ni ni the-ei
(make known) ga-kannjan, ga-bairhtjan wv I (tell, reveal) ga-teihan sv I (divulge, spread word) us-qithan sv V (say, tell, mention, declare to be) qithan sv V (argue, claim, make a case that) in-sakan sv VI
handus sf be close at hand ― at-wisan, irreg one-handed ― hamfs on the one hand ― raihtis... (with 'raihtis' following the first word, or two, of the clause) from the soul, on the one hand, and the other the body ― us saiwala raihtis jah leika shake hands ― taihswon at-giban sv V "with" + dat
(propund) in-sakan, us-sakan sv VI (make known) merjan wv I (spread word, publish) us-merjan wv I be published, spread ― us-mernan wv IV
vt *braidjan wv I (strew) straujan + dat, ga-straujan (*dat), uf-straujan wv I + dat (scatter, sprinkle) ufar-trusnjan wv I (dat for substance being sprinkled) (scatter, disperse) dis-tahjan wv I spread the word ― merjan, us-merjan wv I, thata waurd us-qithan sv V vi (grow, increase) wahsjan sv VI (abound, multiply) managnan wv IV (be expanded) ur-rumnan wv IV
noun (question, enquiry, investigation) sokeins sf a question/debate was raised concerning purification ― warth bi swiknein sokeins ga-wagida (single question, word, a few words) waurd sn I will also ask you a question ― fraihna jah ik izwis ainis waurdis
(a viewpoint, propound) in-sakan, us-sakan sv VI (support) *stutjan wv I (support, accomplish) *frumjan wv I promote dissent, agitate, stir up ― drobjan wv I promote in public, speak out, spread word ― merjan, us-merjan wv I promote the gospel, spread the Christian message ― waila-merjan, aiwaggeljan wv I
(like) swe ― swa...swe white as snow ― hweits swe snaiws he became as one dead ― warth swe dauths as I said before ― swe ju fauraqath in the same way as ― sama-leiko swe as though sitting down to a great meal ― swe at mikilamma nahtamata anakumbjandans such as ― swa-leiks swe as much ― swa filu + gen as much as ― swa filu swe as many as ― swa managai swe as great ― swa-lauths (gen swa-laudis) as long as ― swa-lauth melis swe as soon as ― bi-the, suns-ei just as, in exactly the same was as ― swa-swe just too ― swa-swe...swah, swa-swe...swa jah as for, as to, regarding ― bi + dat (for, because) auk (Usually placed after first word of sentence) (since, given that) thande as/while he was speaking... ― nauhthan imma rodjandin... (when) swe as it grew late ― swe seithu warth (used as, for) as/for manure ― du maihstau as an example ― du fri-sahtai (being, to be, acting as: noun in apposition) to give his life as a ransom for many ― giban saiwala seina faur managans lun
(importance, signifinace, meaning of a word, etc) wulthrs sf
(tell, reveal) ga-teihan sv I (divulge, spread word) us-qithan sv V
(all purpose: and, also) jah and so forth, and so on ― jah laibos, ktl. (= Gk kai ta loipa 'and the remainder') (sometimes in reported dialogue: and, but) ith and she said ― ith si qath (sometimes joining two verbs with same subject) -(u)h (enclitic particle ― i.e. joined to end of the second verb, or its prefix if there is one. Note: This particle has other uses besides 'and') go and tell ― gaggith qithiduh come and eat ― hindarleith an-uh-kumbei and boarding the ship, they crossed over the sea ― jah usstigun in skip, iddjedunuh ufar marein (often in reported dialogue, especially before a significant point or someone having the 'last word', adds slight emphasis) ith + -uh and he said ― ith is qathuh and Jesus lifted up his eyes and said ― ith Iesus uz-uh-hof augona iup jah qath
adv waila speak well of ― waila qithan sv V + dat act well towards ― waila taujan wv I + dat be well off ― ufarassu haban wv III, in ufarassau wisan, irreg you know very well ― glaggwo wituth (rightly, with justification) to be well able to say ― waila qithan thatei (adj, healthy) hails, ga-hails (simple, innocent, sound) ain-falths make well, heal ― hailjan, ga-hailjan wv I, lekinon wv II of ― + gen (save, heal) ga-nasjan wv I get well ― ga-nisan sv V, ga-hailnan wv IV, waila wairthith (impersonal + dat) they will get well ― waila wairthith im (interjection: fine! alright then!) waila! (then, well then in that case) thau, thauh but if so ― well in that case... ― aiththau waila thau... (so, therefore) nu, nu-nu, than (these 2nd position in clause) (well then, so then, so therefore) Than-nu, Than-nu nu, Than-nu than, Nu-nu nu, Swa-ei nu (1st position) (introducing a reason: for, because, "well, you see") auk, raihtis, allis (these 2nd position) (new topic, introducing a new topic or a piece of parenthetical information) [well] now... ― -uh than, -uth-than (attached after first word of clause) (introducing questions) an, an nuh so...? ― an nuh...? well who is he? ― an hwas ist? well what...[then]? ― an hwa...?, hwa auk...?, hwa nuh...?
in some/any way, by some means ― hwaiwa so anyway... ― thannu nu who is he anyway? ― hwas thannu sa sijai? (besides, also, and) jah (moreover, indeed, however) swe-thauh (changing the topic, indtroducing parenthetical note: now, well, anyway) -uh than, -uth-than (attached to first word or verbal prefix)
hairus sm (long-sword) *mekeis sm (acc meki occurs) (edge, blade) *agja sf (short sword, cleaver, machete, single-edged sword) *sahs sm (gen *sahsis), *skrama sf (Roman long-sword, spatha) *spada sf
*spadiggs sm
(cleaver, machete, long knife, single-edged sword) *sahs sm (gen *sahsis), *skrama sf (sword) hairus sm
(sword) to be drawn ― us-luknan wv IV (picture/image) be drawn, formed ― ga-fri-sahtnan wv IV
noun (stick, club, sword) *stukks sm (stick) *stika wm, *stagga sf (tree, branch, staff) triu sn (rod, stick, cane) wandus sm (staff, walking-stick) walus sm, hrugga wf (stake, post, tentpeg) *staka wm (wand, magic staff) *gands sm (letter, rune) stafs, (i-stem, gen stabis)
noun (nonsense, empty words) lausa-waurdei wf (foolish talk) dwala-waurdei wf (too much talk) filu-waurdei wf
noun (silly/pointless talk, empty words) lausa-waurdei wf (foolish talk) dwala-waurdei wf (lots of talk, over-talking) filu-waurdei wf
(rude words) aglaiti-waurdei wf
noun (nonsense, empty words) lausa-waurdei wf (foolish talk) dwala-waurdei wf
adj laus (gen lausis) empty words ― lausa waurda sn pl, lausa-waurdei wf empty-stomached ― laus-qithrs
noun (sword) *brands sm
noun (reason, useful purpose) sautha sf (use, advantage) bota sf what use to me? ― hwo boto mis? Christ is no use to you ― Xristus izwis nist du botai (izwis = dat) what use to me? ― hwo mis boto? be of use, serve some useful purpose ― botjan wv I + acc, dugan, pp ― daug, dugum, dauhta there is no purpse in fighting over words ― waurdam weihan du ni waihtai daug (goal, objective, target) mundrei wf (end, reason) andeis sm (determination, purposefulness) muns sm (i-stem) (thing, cause) waihts sf (usually, but acc pl waihts also found, Sk 2,c) for that purpose/reason ― duth-the, in this, in thizos waihtais with that purpose, to that end ― ?and thana laist (cf. Sk 5,a Marchand translation ― but others have "following this" ― & cf. Sk 2,d)
(make image, engrave, inscribe, form) ga-fri-sahtjan wv I (pull, guide, lead) ga-tiuhan sv II (sword) us-lukan sv II draw aside/away ― af-tiuhan sv II draw near ― (approach, be close, be at hand) nehwjan sik, at-nehwjan wv I
(of leaf/tool/weapon) *blath sn (gen *bladis) (sword) *mekeis, hairus, *brands sm (of grass) gras sn (gen grasis)
(single-edge sword, machete) *sahs sm
noun (too much talk) filu-waurdei wf (nonsense, empty words) lausa-waurdei wf (foolish talk) dwala-waurdei wf
(serviceman) ga-drauhts sm (i-stem), militonds m (footsoldier) *fanthja wm (young) *St(i)uriliggs (swordsman) spadiggs sm serve as soldier ― driugan sv II, drauhtinon, militon wv II
(soldier, serviceman) ga-drauhts sm (i-stem) (footsoldier) *fanthja wm (young warrior) *St(i)uriliggs (swordsman) *spadiggs sm serve as soldier ― driugan sv II, drauhtinon, militon wv II
(long knife, single-edge hacking sword) *sahs sm (gen *sahsis)
(dissolute) us-wiss in vain ― arwjo, sware vain/empty words ― lausa waurda sn pl, lausa-waurdei wf
noun (stick, club, sword) *stukks sm
(go through) thairh-leithan sv I, thairh-gaggan sv VII ― thairh-iddja, thairh-gaggans (burrow into) *smiugan sv II a sword shall peirce your own heart ― theina silbons saiwala thairhgaggith hairus
noun (point, moment) stiks sm point in time, a moment ― stiks melis point of view ― frathi sn (sharp point, prickle, thorn) *stikils sm (tip, tapering point) *peika sf (point in space, place) staths (i-stem, gen stadis) (purpose, good reason) sautha sf there is no point in fighting over words ― waurdam weihan du ni waihtai daug (goal, objective, target) mundrei wf point of spear ― *gaida sf, *uzds sm point/gable/pinnacle of building ― gibla wm
waurdahs verbal strife, battle over words ― waurda-jiuka sf
noun *stika wm, *stagga sf (twig) tains sm (tree, branch, staff) triu sn (rod, stick, cane) wandus sm (staff, walking-stick) walus sm, hrugga wf (stake, post, tentpeg) *staka wm (wand, magic staff) *gands sm (stick, club, sword) *stukks sm candle-stick ― lukarna-statha wm
(rim, shield-rim) *randa sf, *targo wf (border, coast) marka sf (edge, blade, sword) *agja sf
(of person: act as servant for) skalkinon wv II + dat (serve, serve guests, minister to) and-bahtjan, wv, I. + dat didn't come to be served, but to serve ― ni qam at andbahtjam ak andbahtjan (andbahtjam = dat pl of andbahti sn 'service') (serve well, please, satisfy) fulla-fahjan wv I serve as soldier ― driugan sv II, drauhtinon wv II + dat, militon wv II (*dat) (serve drink to, give to drink) *skagkjan wv I (?dat of person, acc of drink), dragkjan, ga-dragkjan wv I (acc of person, dat of drink) (of thing: serve a purpose, be useful, be any good) botjan wv I, dugan, pp ― daug, dugum, dauhta fighting over words serves no useful purpose ― waurdam weihan du ni waihtai daug
v fahan, ga-fahan sv VII (catch hold of, seize) fair-greipan, und-greipan sv I (capture, imprison) fra-hinthan, us-hinthan sv III (trap, net, catch out) ga-niutan sv II trap with words ― waurda ganiutan
akin to Lat caries sword
(meki) (Crim mycha) akin to OE mece sword